Goals & Positive Thinking
Recently, I saw yet another article that (partially) missed the boat. It talked about studies that indicate that positive thinking about a goal actually decreases the chances of you reaching the goal....
View ArticleAnchoring & Break States
Break states and anchoring. How are they related? Well, anchoring is attaching a state to a cue. If someone is laughing, we can touch their shoulder a certain way, or use a particular tone of voice, or...
View ArticleHow do our theories about how therapy works hold us back?
I once had a client with a fear of snakes. I asked her what she’d done to try to get over her fear, so far. She said she had prayed. Now, I asked my question for a purpose. Sometimes, people have tried...
View ArticleConversationally Reframing Negative Beliefs
I was talking to a friend of mine, and she was down on herself. “I’m a bad person.”, she said. She went on to explain to me that she had been thinking thoughts that ran counter to her belief system....
View ArticleConscious Or Unconscious Responses?
One of the key concepts in NLP and hypnosis is the model of the conscious and unconscious minds. In short, the conscious mind is defined as the things you are aware of consciously. The unconscious mind...
View ArticlePersuasion, Therapy, & And NLP/Hypnosis Training
“How can I persuade someone who doesn’t like me?” was the question. It came in an email. And it reminded me of an email I got years ago, from a guy with a phobia. He said, “I’ve gained some weight, and...
View ArticleHypnosis Domains For Sale
Hi folks, I’ve got some awesome domain names for sale, and not enough time to take advantage of them. If you’re interested, make an offer! metaphysicalhypnosis.com baltimorehypnotherapy.com...
View ArticleA Simple Reframing Strategy
Reframing is the heart of NLP. Hypnotic suggestion results in reframing. Anchoring can cause reframing. 6-step reframing is, uhm, reframing. In the end, people come out of a successful session with a...
View ArticleWhat If Suggestions Don’t Work?
I recently got an email from a fellow who had hypnotized someone, given them suggestions, but the suggestions weren’t followed. He asked me for advice about ‘what went wrong’. Well, let me straighten a...
View ArticleHow Can We Change?
I’ve thought about it a lot. Why do we change sometimes, and other times it’s difficult to change? Why is it that, in one situation, we’re not open to advice — but if it’s the right person, and the...
View ArticleMentoring: How To Gain More Skill In NLP/Hypnosis Skill Quickly
The best hypnotherapist and NLP master practitioner I know, had a different path than most hypnotherapists I meet. And I think her path, and the way she was mentored are part of the reason for her...
View ArticleHow Navy SEAL Commanders Use NLP Language Patterns
I saw a video recently. It was former Navy SEAL commanders talking about motivation as opposed to discipline. Discipline is when you do something no matter how you feel. Motivation is when you get...
View ArticleBecoming A Student Of The Game
Strategic thinking is the practice of putting logical, effective strategies into play, in order to increase your effectiveness with NLP and hypnosis. Conscious & Unconscious Skill-Sets There are...
View ArticleCan You Do NLP Techniques On Yourself?
I create programs for NLP & hypnosis professionals, and a smattering of self-help stuff. I often get asked if the programs for pros can be used as self-help programs. The answer is. . . Maybe,...
View ArticleNLP & Ecology — More effective Therapuetic Interventions
Take ecology into account and boost the effectiveness of your work on yourself and your clients. Recently, I ran across a technique about dealing with people that you have negative feelings about. But...
View ArticleHypnosis, Love, & Religion
Hypnosis can be defined as an intense focus, on a single idea (monoideism). Another definition is ‘a highly suggestible state’. Some argue that hypnosis is not a state at all — but a condition. So,...
View ArticleLevel Up
Let’s suppose you went to an instructor to learn how to paint with a brush. Not artistic painting — more like how to paint a wall. The instructor says, “Let’s get right to it. Open up the paint can,...
View ArticleMulti-Layered Communication In NLP/Hypnosis
Multiple Layers Of Communication My new friend Dave and I were standing near a pond, on the grounds of a hotel in Sedona, Arizona. The Koi in that pond were well fed, and had no enemies. They had...
View ArticleMood & Reality
So, I was driving my van, and I noticed I was getting tense every time I had to make a left turn. Thinking back, I realized why. . . I used to drive my girlfriend’s car, and it had a tricky turn...
View ArticleFor The Birds: Connecting Resources
This picture is of a bird sitting on top of a fake owl. The bird regularly attacks the window of this office. The owl was put there to frighten the smaller bird away, and keep it from banging its head...
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